We won the Productivity App of the Year 2018 at the UK App Awards!
28 November 2018
After four of our apps were shortlisted at the UK App Awards, we are thrilled to announce that we won the Productivity App of the Year with i-property report! This winning app is designed for property inventory clerks, saving them both time and money while simultaneously adding value to both the user and customer.
With i-property report, the app allows its users to take photos and write notes for each room of the property there and then. No longer do inventory clerks have to take photos on their cameras or smartphones, write their notes out separately and then compile lengthy reports that take hours of admin time. Instead, tell the app what type of property it is, whether it is furnished or not, and then take all the pictures and notes you want for each area of the property.
Once the inventory has been completed, press a button and a report is generated in a matter of seconds. Not only that, but it can be generated in 58 different languages to make sure the landlord, tenant and lettings agent can all benefit from a thorough report, no matter which language they speak. This multi-language report functionality was breakthrough technology, involving custom coding from our experienced PHP and Java development team.
Judges comments
“Chilliapple solved an obvious problem with sensible deployment of technology. The execution made great sense and the numbers tell a story of massive improvement in efficiency. The judges were impressed with their good thinking, great execution and superb results.”
i-property report allows inventory clerks to complete up to seven calls a day rather than the three calls they could do previously, with approximately £140 being saved on each report generated. These statistics alone show just how more productive the inventory clerks and their respective companies can be just by using this app.
A well-deserved win for i-property report by Chilliapple for the Productivity App of the Year 2018! An increase in productivity is the aim for almost all apps; whether the saving is in time or money, if productivity in one or both has increased, you have a successful app. Here at Chilliapple, we are proud to be the leaders in this field, so we’re looking forward to producing the next generation of productivity apps in the future.